Surrey Hills Wellfest is coming to the De Vere Horsley Towers on Sunday 27 July
Want to take part? Register here
NB Google account required
BOGOF Tickets - Limited number - Get Yours Here
Take Care of Yourself
Take Care of Each Other
Take Care of the Planet
Everyone involved needs to subscribe to these ideals. Collectively all Wellfest elements will inspire and enable Wellfest visitors to manifest these mantras in their everyday lives
Great for Guys
Wonderful for Women
Super for Seniors
Fun for Families
Neat for Neurodiverse
Watch this space for talks, demonstrations, workshops and experiences for each of our audience sectors
Build the local wellbeing economy
Foster sustainable wellbeing
Make wellbeing accessible to ALL
We actively and consciously restrict our wellfest participants and visitors to the Surrey area so they can forge firm associations for the long-term benefit of all
We welcome all charities with wellbeing at their heart to participate in Surrey Hills Wellfest.
This year we have nominated the Harry Edwards Foundation as our beneficiary charity.
The Harry Edward Foundation is the home of spiritual healing. Based at Burrows Lea in Shere the location holds and harnesses healing energy. Visitors are welcome to enjoy the gardens and grounds or book a healng session for a donation.
Watch this space for more news about the NEW wellbeing festival that's coming to the Surrey Hills
on Sunday 27 July at De Vere Horsley